Blepharoplasty – Eyelid Surgery & Lift
Our eyelid surgery specialists, Dr. Kian Karimi and Dr. Chester Griffiths provide expert blepharoplasty options to our patients looking for cosmetic eye surgery. Our board certified physicians have been providing expert plastic surgery and cosmetic options to patients in West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Malibu, Beverly Hills and the Los Angeles area for many years.
Blepharoplasty is an eyelid surgery that removes excess wrinkles or bags under the eyes, creating a more youthful appearance. During the aging process, wrinkles and lines contribute to a more aged appearance. Blepharoplasty surgery is often performed in conjunction with other facial procedures such as a face lift or rhinoplasty (nose surgery).
For more information about Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery or to find out if this treatment is right for you, please call to schedule a consultation with one of our physicians. (310) 477-5558.

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